Initiating Excellence
Organizations initiating Business Excellence through a baseline assessment
Assessments can be scheduled on mutually convenient dates throughout the year

Process steps
A 2 day dip-stick assessment by two Assessors interacting with key personnel of the organization to understand their process and performance maturity.
This would involve a walkthrough of Business, Support and Management processes with the associated results based on excellence framework requirements. This category of assessment does not require any formal documentation.
- Baseline score of organizational maturity on a 1000 point scale
- Prioritized action plan and roadmap with milestones
CII will facilitate Organizations to progress on the suggested roadmap through hand holding visits, customized training through appropriate frameworks.
On completion of this phase, Organizations can progress to the Internalizing Phase. Initiators would generally take 12 – 15 months to move to the next phase.
Recognized for Adoption of Excellence
Internalizing Excellence
For Organizations on the journey of Excellence on any Framework
Assessments can be scheduled on mutually convenient dates throughout the year

Process steps
Assessors with rich industry experience will interact with all functions of the organization considering the Business Strategy and Operating Context, to identify key strengths and opportunities for improvement. There are two categories to opt as given below.

NOTE: These category of Assessments do not fall under the Award Scheme. However, Organizations will be felicitated based on the score obtained under the relevant category. Companies running their own internal assessments can also opt for recognitions when the assessments are administered by the CII IQ team. Assessment can be based on any Excellence framework
*Assessment Days will vary depending on the Business size and complexity
- Action oriented Management Report
- Way forward with Milestones
- Criteria wise report of strengths and key opportunities for
improvement aligned to Excellence Framework

Recognizing Excellence
Organizations challenging the
CII EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence
Any Organization operating in India, with a minimum of 3 year performance data

Process steps
Submit 75 page document as per CII EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence application guidelines. A Team of 5 – 6 Assessors with rich industry experience will interact with functions of the Organization considering the Business Strategy and Operating Context to identify key strengths and opportunities for improvement. The Award is based on the EFQM Excellence Model.
Sub Criteria wise Report aligned to EFQM Excellence Model as per the guidelines of the CII Business Excellence Awards. For further details contact CII IQ Business Excellence Desk/ sudha.s@cii.in or log on to www.ciibizex.in

Exemplar of Excellence

All Award/Role Model Organisations/Prize Winners of the previous editions of the CII-EXIM Bank Award for Business Excellence can apply for the Phase 4 recognitions. Based on the Assessment Outcome the applicants will be recognized for “Sustained Excellence” /”Exemplar of Excellence”. For further details, contact the Award admin ofice of CII at sudha.s@cii.in
The Assessment would be a 2 Assessor, 4 manday effort where two Senior Industry members will interact with the applicants to assess thier continued journey of Excellence on Key themes and Stakeholder focus. There are no formal documentation requirements to apply under this category. The recognition would require the Applicant to demonstrate Stakeholder focus, Excellence attributes and scoring beyond the threshold levels.
Phase 3 and Phase 4 Recognitions at CII Flagship Event
Confederation of Indian Industry - Institute of Quality © 2020